Brazil’s internet is booming, no doubt in that. Fortunately, you have chosen to expand your operations to Brazil. Good luck with it! But wondering which is the best data center location for Brazil operations? Thank yourself for ending up reading this article. This is going to answer all the questions you had.

Before we proceed further with the research, it is important that you know what your budget actually is. Based on the budget you have, the options do vary.

As primarily most of the enterprises go with Dedicated Servers in 2020, let us say you’re also looking for a dedicated server.

Now, you literally have 2 options. One is to host within Brazil. And the other is to host off-shore.

Option 1: Hosting within Brazil

Anyone who is serious about their operation in Brazil can choose Brazil hosted servers.

The latency will be low, the application loading speed for local users will be great.

Prices are literally high when compared to the US. Very expensive than you might expect.

Option 2: Hosting Off-Shore

Brazil does have strong foreign network connectivity just like India. So hosting your application at the nearest possible location gives you near to the same performance of hosting within Brazil.

The latency will be higher than that of hosting within Brazil but in most cases, the latency will be acceptable and won’t be high as well. Local users won’t experience a lot of difference in load speed.

The best locations within the US for the Brazilian audience would be New York and Miami. From both of these locations, there’s a Subsea cable connecting directly to the Rio de Janeiro. But preferably, out of my own opinion, Miami is the best.

Prices are moderate. Not much expensive.

What we suggest?

If you’re on a tight budget, you can choose to host in the USA. It is much economical.

If UX is your primary concern and you need your application to be very fast for local users, you can go with Brazil hosting (the US is fast too, but when compared to Brazil, Brazil wins)

If you’re an enterprise looking forward to making your site faster in Brazil, Consider setting up your own CDN based on a dedicated server within Brazil and host the multimedia resources from there. Technically, this will make your site load much faster and reduces the number of the server. For example, you can do all compute in the USA with more than 50 nodes and serve static files from Brazil with a single server to reduce the overall load time.

I tried a lot to keep this simple. In fact, it took us more time to craft simple to understand articles like this instead of filling 1000s of words. Hope this helps you out. For any reason, if you need further help or consulting, keep in mind that we’re always here to assist you with it!